On September 9, 2013, Mount Joy Borough adopted a new Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code. The purpose of the Mount Joy Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance is to:
- assist orderly, efficient and integrated development of land;
- assure sites suitable for building purposes and human habitation in keeping with the standards of quality existing in the Borough and to alleviate peril from fire, flood, erosion, excessive noise, smoke and other menace;
- provide for the coordination of proposed streets and other improvements with existing or proposed streets or other features of the Comprehensive Plan, Park and Recreation Plan, and Official Map of the Borough, and to provide for drainage, water supply, sewer disposal, and other appropriate utility services;
- provide for adequate open spaces for traffic, recreation, light and air;
- provide for efficient and orderly extension of community services and facilities at minimum cost and maximum convenience;
- provide for the proper distribution of population, thereby creating conditions favorable to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens of the Borough;
- ensure conformance of subdivision and land development plans to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, the Park and Recreation Plan, the Official Map and other public improvement plans, and to ensure coordination of intergovernmental improvement plans and programs;
- secure protection of water resources and drainage-ways;
- to encourage the compact and efficient urban development that encourages infill and the retention of community character within the Borough; and
- to secure equitable handling of all subdivision and land development plans by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance, both by applicants and the Borough.